Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 11 and 12 of the Law on Associations (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 51/09), the Society of Hungarian physicians and dentists of Vojvodina adopted at its inaugural general meeting held in Subotica on 9 November 2019
Activities of the Society of Hungarian physicians and dentists of Vojvodina
Article 1
The Society of Hungarian physicians and dentists of Vojvodina (hereinafter: the Society) is established for an indefinite time, independent of political parties, a non-governmental, non-profit association with the basic goal of achieving the highest level of medical and dental training among Vojvodina Hungarians, the realisation of medical and dental health care of Vojvodina Hungarians, and the highest quality in health insurance, so that Serbian and Hungarian citizens, as well as the citizens of the European Union, can receive the best possible health care in Serbia.
The objectives of the Society are: to promote the development of medicine and dentistry, to represent Hungarian physicians and dentists from Vojvodina in scientific and other professional forums both domestically and abroad, to introduce the results of the scientific field, to organise professional scientific life and to establish wide international cooperation.
Article 2
The Society achieves its goals in the following ways:
- organisation of round tables, conferences, seminars, workshops and other educational programs to promote medicine and dentistry;
- organisation of professional trainings for the members of the Society for the purpose of professional development;
- encouraging scientific research in the field of medicine and dentistry;
- formulation of professional opinions in the field of medicine and dentistry, as well as the promotion of legislative work on its own initiative or at the request of an official body and institution;
- publishing periodicals, collections, brochures and other publications;
- promotion of medical and dental science in order to ensure the future generations of Hungarians in Vojvodina;
- liaising and cooperating with domestic and international medical and dental organisations.
Name and seat
Article 3
Official name of the Society: Удружење лекара и стоматолога војвођанских Мађара
Abbreviated name of the Society: УВМЛС
Name of the Society in Hungarian: Vajdasági Magyar Orvosok és Fogorvosok Egyesülete
Abbreviated name of the Society in Hungarian: VMOFE
Name of the Society in English: Society of Hungarian physicians and dentists of Vojvodina
Abbreviated name of the Society in English: SHPDV
The seat of the Society: Subotica, Maksima Gorkog 6/a
The Society carries out its activities in the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Terms and conditions of admission to the Society and termination of membership
Article 4
A member of the Society can be a Hungarian physicians or dentist from Vojvodina who accepts the goals and Statute of the Society, and applies to the Presidency of the Society on the recommendation of two members of the Society.
Article 5
The Presidency decides on the admission as a member of the Society and notifies the applicant of the decision without delay.
A member of the Society may withdraw from the membership with a written statement of withdrawal.
The membership may be terminated if the member does not regularly participate in the activities of the Society, violates the provisions of the Statute or the authority of the Society.
The decision to terminate the membership shall be taken by the Presidency on the basis of a reasoned proposal from the President.
All members of the Society must be given the opportunity to respond to the reasons for the proposal to terminate their membership.
Rights, obligations and responsibilities of members
Article 6
A member of the Society is entitled to:
- participate, equally with the other members, in the realisation of the goals of the Society;
- participate directly in the proposal-making and decision-making process at the meetings of the Assembly of the Society;
- participate in the election of the bodies of the Society and be elected a member of the bodies of the Society;
- receive immediate and complete information about the work, activities and plans of the Society.
A member of the Association is obliged to:
- actively contribute to the realisation of the goals of the Society;
- participate in the activities of the Society in accordance with his/her interests;
- perform the tasks and other responsibilities assigned to him/her by the Association.
The internal structure of the Society
Article 7
The bodies of the Society are the Assembly, the President and the Presidency.
Article 8
The Assembly is composed of the members of the Society.
The Assembly meets regularly once a year.
An extraordinary meeting of the Assembly may be convened on the reasoned proposal of the President and on the initiative of at least one third of the members of the Assembly. The initiative shall be submitted in writing and shall include the issues proposed for discussion.
The meetings of the Assembly shall be convened by the President with a written notice about the place and time of the Assembly and the proposed agenda. The Assembly shall be chaired by the person elected by public vote at the beginning of the meeting.
The Assembly:
- adopts the activity plan and work program of the Society;
- adopts the Statute, decides on its supplementation and amendment;
- adopts the general acts of the Society;
- elects and dismisses the President of the Society and the members of the Presidency;
- discusses and approves the report of the President of the Society at least once a year;
- discusses and adopts the financial plan and the financial report;
- decides on changes in the legal status and the termination of the Society;
- decides on joining domestic and foreign associations and other organisations.
Decisions of the Assembly shall be taken by a simple majority of the members present at the meeting.
Decisions on the amendment of the Statute, changes in the legal status of the Society and the termination of the Society shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present at the meeting.
Article 9
The President of the Society is the executive body of the Society, which ensures the implementation of the goals set by the Statute.
The mandate of the President of the Society lasts five years and he/she may be re-elected.
The President:
- represents the Society in its legal transactions, has the right and obligation of financial transactions;
- directs the work of the Society between the two meetings of the Presidency and makes decisions in order to achieve the goals of the Society;
- convenes ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the Assembly;
- elects and dismisses 2 (two) Vice-Presidents of the Presidency;
- directs and coordinates the work of the Presidency;
- organises the regular performance of the tasks of the Society;
- entrusts certain members and the Vice-Presidents with specific tasks;
- makes financial decisions;
- decides on the employment of the workforce;
- makes decisions on other issues that do not fall within the competence of other bodies of the Society in accordance with the law and this Statute.
The President of the Society is obliged to respect the provisions of the Statute and the decisions of the competent bodies of the Society.
The President is replaced by one of the Vice-Presidents in his/her absence, representing the Society, and has the right to make financial arrangements.
Article 10
The Presidency is the executive body of the Society, which takes care of the implementation of the goals of the Society, which are determined by the Statute and the Assembly.
Together with the President, the Presidency may have 7 (seven) members, who are elected and dismissed by the Assembly. The 2 (two) Vice-Presidents of the Presidency shall be elected by the President from among the Presidency members.
With the consent of the President, the Vice-Presidents represent the Society in legal transactions and are authorised to sign financial and legal documents on behalf of the Association.
The mandate of the Presidency takes 5 (five) years and the members of the Presidency may be re-elected to the same position.
The Presidency:
- directs the work of the Society between the two Assemblies and makes decisions in order to achieve the goals of the Society;
- adopts the Rules of Procedure of the Presidency and the general acts of the Society;
- organises the regular activities of the Society;
- makes financial decisions;
- decides on applications for membership;
- decides on the initiation of the procedure related to the amendment and supplementation of the Statute on its own initiative or on the proposal of at least three members of the Society, prepares the amendment and supplementation proposal and submits it to the Assembly for adoption;
- sets up temporary bodies (committees and other bodies) if necessary;
- entrusts certain members with specific tasks;
- may decide to initiate compensation proceedings in the case provided for in Section 25 (2) of the Law on Associations and, if necessary, appoints a separate person to represent the Society in such transactions;
- makes decisions on other issues that do not fall within the competence of other bodies of the Society in accordance with the law and this Statute.
The Presidency has a quorum if at least half of the members of the Presidency are present. The decisions are made with the vote of the majority of the members of the Presidency present.
Publicity of the work of the Society
Article 11
The activities of the Society are public.
The Presidency of the Society ensures the regular informing of the members and the public about the work and activities of the Society, directly or through internal publications or press releases, or in any other appropriate way.
The annual financial report and other reports on the activities of the Society are handed to the members at the meeting of the Assembly.
Article 12
In order to achieve its goals, the Society cooperates with similar organisations, both in the country and abroad.
The Society may be a member of international organisations whose objectives are in line with the objectives of the Society, which is decided by the Assembly.
Obtaining and use of funds for achieving the objectives
Article 13
The Society provides the means necessary for its operation from membership fees, voluntary donations and gifts, financial support, as well as in other ways permitted by law. The membership fee is voted by the Assembly on the proposal of the Presidency.
The Society can also obtain financial resources by organising seminars or other educational programs.
Termination of the Society
Article 14
The decision on the termination of the Society is made by the Assembly of the Society, if the conditions for the implementation of the objectives of the Society are unavailable, as well as in other cases specified by law.
Disposal of the property of the Society in case of termination
Article 15
In the event of the termination of the Society, the beneficiary of the property of the Society will be a domestic public benefit legal entity, the objectives of which are in line with the objectives of the Society. The Assembly shall designate the beneficiary of its property in the decision on termination.
Article 16
The Society has a circular seal, in which the name of the Society is given in Serbian: Удружење лекара и стоматолога војвођанских Мађара, Суботица, in Hungarian: Vajdasági Magyar Orvosok és Fogorvosok Egyesülete, Szabadka, and in English: Society of Hungarian physicians and dentists of Vojvodina, Subotica.
Article 17
In all matters not regulated by this Statute, the provisions of the Law on Associations shall be applied accordingly.
Article 18
This Statute shall enter into force on the date of its adoption by the Assembly of the Society. It is applicable from the moment of registration with the official bodies.
Subotica, 9 November 2019
Boján Dr Bagi
anaesthesiologist and resuscitator