dr Arnold Apro


He was born in 1982 in Senta. He completed his medical studies at the Medical Faculty of the University of Novi Sad in 2007. From 2012 to 2016, he acquired a specialisation in internal medicine oncology at the Institute of Oncology of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica. In addition to Hungarian and Serbian, he speaks English and German at a high level.

He has been working at the General Hospital in Senta since 2008, where he has been the head of the oncology department since taking the specialist exam. As an oncologist, he performs his professional duties in the region of central Potisje, at the level of departments, ambulant and day hospitals. Oncological diagnostics, pain therapy, tumour therapy, palliative care, consultative examinations are part of his daily work. He has participated in numerous professional trainings in the fields of pain therapy, puncture and ultrasonographic diagnostics and dermatoscopy. Within oncology, his special area of interest includes soft tissue tumours and oncohaematology.